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Chun Li cameo
When you visit Bleak, go to the boy who thinks he is a magician. He will say "Put a hundred coins on the table and I will make them disappear". Agree to his request and wait for him to say "Look behind you." Say "No" twice, then say "Yes". You should see Chun Li practicing her lightning kick.

9999 experience and 9999 gold
Before battling Jade in Obelisk, he will ask you if you want to join him. Answer "Yes", and whenever he asks you if you want to change your mind, answer "No". Do not push any buttons and he will soon say, "I'm bored. Entertain me!". After this, there will be a battle scene. You will fight a D.Flea, a Crab, a Flower, a G.Slime, and finally an M.Slime which, when defeated, will give you 9999 experience and 9999 gold.

When Nina has fly go to Agua, go north. You will see a little island. Run around here and an M. Slime will eventually appear.

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