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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
In-game reset
Press [A] +[B] + [Select] + [Start] during game play to restart.

Easy money
This trick should work after the Chucklehut Brothers teach Mario and Luigi their hammer techniques. Have Luigi use his hammer to shrink Mario.. Then, perform their "high jump technique", but have mini Mario jump at Luigi before Luigi can land on Mario. You will gain one coin. Repeat this to get as many coins as desired. Note: This was done after getting to the university section of the game. Note: Hitting Luigi for one coin will lower Luigi's HP by one point. He will only "yelp" when his HP reaches 1. However, you can still spend some of the bonus stats that you get at level up on the "Stach" stat (which discounts the items in the shops) and buy mushrooms at the castle town and recycle (i.e. use the "Easy money" trick then buy mushrooms to heal him and gradually generate money).

When you meet Thowomp (giant stone man in Hammer Bros. cave) for the second time, save the game. Play his game and if you do not get any money, turn off the Game Boy Advance and you will start over. Keep doing this until you get 9999 coins.

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