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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Extra lives
Note: The following trick only works on The Lost Levels. Hold [A] and press [Start] at the game over screen. The game will start with ten lives.

Note: This trick only works on a new game. Select the "Toy Box" option at the main menu, then select "Fortune Teller". Keep looking at the cards until five lives are earned. Return to the main menu and choose to play the "Original" levels. Start a new game to begin with ten lives instead of five.

Begin game play in level 1-1. Locate the hidden extra life mushroom above the bush after the first pipe that you can enter. Save the game at this point. Load that file to find that you have one more life. Repeat until the desired amount of lives have been collected. Note: Depending on how many lives are desired, this procedure may require a large amount of time.

In level 1-1, around the starting part of the stage, go past the first four or five pipes that are lined up. Immediately after the mountain in the background, jump and an extra life and the block that it comes out of will appear.

Play level 5-1. Kill the first turtle that comes up to you and make it slide forward. Run with it, and it will kill everything in your path. This will give you an extra life.

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