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Achievements (Steam)
Albatross - Complete a Puzzle with at least 3 QuantZ left in your rack.
The Big Bang Theory - Create a serie of explosions involving 35 QuantZ.
Emblematic - Obtain all game emblems.
Genesis - Complete the Action Mode.
God-like - Obtain the Great Oracle Rank in Strategy or in Action Mode.
Birdie - Complete a Puzzle with 1 QuantZ left in your rack.
Better than the intern! - Obtain a score of 106 734 200 in Strategy Mode.
Cortex academy - Clear all Puzzles in less than 1h30.
Eagle - Complete a Puzzle with 2 QuantZ left in your rack.
Puzzled - Solve all 100 Puzzles.
Quantztastic! - Make a total of 10 000 explosions.
Hole in one - Clear 1 shape with a single QuantZ.
Journey - Complete the Strategy Mode.
Unstoppable - Obtain the Oracle Rank in Strategy or in Action Mode.
World series of QuantZ - Make a 10-explosion chain.
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