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There are 5 cheats for this game available for download... download page!
Cheat Mode
To enable cheats in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, right click the shortcut to the game, and in the "Target" box, add -console after the quotation marks that come after vampire.exe. Here's an example of how the box should read:

"C:\Program Files\Vampire\vampire.exe" -console

Then run the game, press [~] while playing to bring down the console and enter these codes in the text box:

god 0/1 - Disable/Enable God mode.
godmode 0/1 - Disable/Enable God mode.
noclip 0/1 - Enable being able to go through walls and fly.
notarget 0/1 - Player becomes hidden to NPC's.
impulse 101 - Gives most items and weapons
money [number] - Increase breast size for some female characters by the desired number
blood [number] - Set the number of points you wish your blood pool to be at
giftxp [number] - Set experience (xp) to the number of your choice
give - Gives selected item/weapon (see the list below)
cl_showfps 1 - Show FPS
vchar_edit_histories 1 - Give your character a history during character creation
vstats get animalism 5 - Set animalism to maximum
vstats get auspex 5 - Set auspex to maximum
vstats get celerity 5 - Set celerity to maximum
vstats get charisma 5 - Set charisma to maximum
vstats get dementation 5 - Set dementation to maximum
vstats get dexterity 5 - Set dexterity to maximum
vstats get dominate 5 - Set dominate to maximum
vstats get fortitude 5 - Set fortitude to maximum
vstats get automatic_soak_successes 10 - Gives +10 stats to each soak abilities
vstats get automatic_str_successes 10 - Gives +10 stats to melee and unarmed abilities
vstats get intelligence 5 - Set intelligence to maximum
vstats get obfuscate 5 - Set obfuscate to maximum
vstats get potence 5 - Set potence to maximum
vstats get presence 5 - Set presence to maximum
vstats get protean 5 - Set protean to maximum
vstats get thaumatury 5 - Set thaumatury to maximum
vstats get wits 5 - WITS skill is Max Out cmdlist - List all commands
quit - Quit game

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