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Unlock Trophies
Falling Stone (Bronze) - Crush 20 workers with one giant boulder (Campaign, Survival).
Full house (Bronze) - Kill 10,000 workers over multiple sessions (Campaign, Survival).
Great balls of fire (Bronze) - Damage 5 tower blocks with one meteor shower (Campaign, Survival).
Holy wave (Bronze) - Use a tidal wave that spares cursed jar bearers (Campaign, Survival).
Deity (Bronze) - Kill 50 workers (Campaign, Survival).
Cursed! (Bronze) - Destroy 15 cursed jars in a single game (Campaign, Survival).
Blown away (Bronze) - Use a sand storm to send a worker flying far away (Campaign, Survival).
Break the ice (Bronze) - Kill 30 workers frozen by the other player in a coop game.
Babel Falling (Silver) - Complete the campaign.
Cruel god (Silver) - Send 10 maximum difficulty waves to your opponent in a versus multiplayer match.
Apocalypse (Silver) - Earn the highest distinction by performing power combos (Campaign, Survival).
Survivor (Gold) - Survive 5 minutes when the tower is almost complete (Campaign, Survival).
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