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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Unlock Vehicles
Complete the appropriate tasks in the correct game mode and difficulty to unlock extra vehicles:

BLUE BOMBER - win at the trainyards on the captain difficulty only using the helicopter to score in a single level 5 minute game.
CHERRY PICKER - In a single level 5 minute game on the chief difficulty, win at the burbs with at least 20 points.
DUMPER - On the sergeant difficulty, beat tournament mode.
FLEABAG - On the chief difficulty, beat tournament mode.
HIGHROLLER - Beat the Burbs on the captain difficulty without letting the opponent score in a single level 5 minute game.
LITTER BOX - On the captain difficulty, beat tournament mode.
SHAMROCK - In a single level 5 minute game on the sergeant difficulty, beat any level without letting the opponent score.
SWEET CHEEKS - in a single level 2 minute game on captain, win any level without letting the opponent score.
YELLOW ROSE - On the rookie difficulty, beat tournament mode.
YELLOWJACKET - In a single level 5 minute game on the captain difficulty, win only using the 3 point ramp in the Alpine.
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