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There is 1 cheat for this game available for download... download page!
Hidden sounds
Click on the letter "P" in the word "Mario Paint" or the falling star on the title screen. After awhile a new background will appear. Click on the moving objects to hear a sound. Quickly click on a falling star when it appears. Harps will play as objects fall from the sky.

Normally when you click on Mario to begin, you will see someone doing sit-ups and people cheering in the background. Click the letter "P" to change the sounds on that sequence. ". The background and the music will change. Wait until the train comes. When Mario is directly in front of the second car (the one directly behind the engine), click on him. The sequence with the person doing sit-ups will start. However, instead of the sound of people cheering in the background, you will hear some people chanting then shouting "Mario Paint!"

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