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Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

My Workout (5) - Create a custom fitness workout.
My Aerobics (5) - Create a custom aerobics workout.
What's for Lunch? (5) - Follow the menu every day for a week.
Front Runner (10) - Complete an Advanced Cardio Workout.
Dance Off (10) - Complete a Dance workout.
20 Run (10) - Do 20 good reps in a row.
Feel the Burn (10) - Complete your first workout.
Fit Crowd (10) - Complete a Fitness workout.
Bring it on (10) - Raised a fitness level by 10.
Just a Snack (10) - Burn off a chocolate bar.
Perfect 10 (10) - Do 10 perfect reps in a row.
99... 100 (10) - Complete 100 reps.
Newcomer (10) - Reach level 60 in any category.
Fat Burner (10) - Complete a Cardio Workout.
Warrior (10) - Complete a Combat Workout.
Flexible (15) - Reach level 70 in three categories.
Early Worm (20) - Completed a fitness workout between 5:00am and 7:00am.
Abs of Steel (20) - Do 1,000 long-arm crunches.
Amateur (20) - Reach level 70 in any category.
One Large Pepperoni (20) - Burn off a pizza.
Party Season (20) - Burn off a Christmas dinner.
Practice Makes Perfect (20) - Practise five different exercises.
Semi-Professional (20) - Reach level 80 in any category.
60 Min Burn (20) - Complete a 60 minute aerobics workout with a score over 90%.
Last Dance (20) - Complete 20 Dance workouts.
Athlete (20) - Complete 20 Advanced Cardio workouts.
Fit Ness Monster (20) - Complete 20 Fitness workouts.
Drop and give me 1000 (20) - Do 1,000 press-ups.
First Gold (20) - Won a gold medal in a workout.
Flash Dancer (20) - Collect over 350 stars in a Dance Aerobics workout.
499... 500 (20) - Complete 500 reps.
Sweat Dreams (20) - Complete 20 Cardio workouts.
Ultimate Warrior (20) - Complete 20 Combat workouts.
Dance The Night Away (20) - Completed an aerobics workout between 12:00am and 2:00am.
Professional (30) - Reach level 90 in any category.
999... 1000 (30) - Complete 1,000 reps.
Perfectionist (40) - Reach level 100 in any category.
25 Levels Up (50) - Raise fitness level by 25.
Hat Trick (50) - Reach level 80 in three categories.
Driven (50) - Exercise every day for two weeks.
Triathlon (70) - Reach level 90 in three categories.
Full House (70) - Win a gold medal for all challenges.
The Triple (100) - Reach level 100 in three categories.
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