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There are no cheats for this game available for download...
Phone Passwords
Enter the following codes in your phone:

Add Gang Notoriety - lolz
Add Police Notoriety - pissofpigs
Bloody Mess - notrated
Clear Skies - clearskies
Drunk Pedestrians - dui
Golden Gun - goldengun
Heavenbound - fryhole
Heavy Rain - heavyrain
Ifinite Sprint - runfast
Light Rain - lightrain
Mascots - mascot
No Cop Notoriety - goody goody
No Gang Notoriety - oops
Overcast - overcast
Pimps and Hos - hohoho
Give 45 Sheperd - givesheperd
Give Apocafist - giveapoca
Give AR 55 - givear55
Give AS3 Ultimax - giveultimax
Give Baseball Bat - givebaseball
Give Cash - cheese
Give Chainsaw - givechainsaw
Give Cyber Blaster - givecybersmg
Give Cyber Buster - givecyber
Give D4TH Blossom - giveblossom
Give Electric Grenade - Giveelectric
Give Flamethrower - giveflamethrower
Give Flash Bang - giveflashbang
Give Grave Digger - givedigger
Give Grenade - givegrenade
Give K-8 Krukov - givekrukov
Give KA-1 Kobra - givekobra
Give M2 Grenade Launcher - givelauncher
Give McManus 2015 - givesniper
Give Mini Gun - giveminigun
Give Molotov - givemolotov
Give Nocturne - givesword
Give RC Possesor - givecgun
Give Reaper Drone - givedrone
Give Respect - whatitmeanstome
Give Riot Shield - giveshield
Give RPG Launcher - giverpg
Give S3X Hammer - givehammer
Give SA-3 Airstrike - giveairstrike
Give Satchel Charges - givesatchel
Give Shock Hammer - giverocket
Give Sonic Boom - givesonic
Give Stun Gun - givestungun
Give TEK Z-10 - givetek
Give The Penetrator - givedildo
Give Viper Lazer Rifle - giveslm8
Spawn Challenger - givechallenger
Spawn Condor - givecondor
Spawn Estrada - giveestrada
Spawn Gat Mobile - givegatmobile
Spawn Knoxville - giveknoxville
Spawn municipal - givemunicipal
Spawn Nforcer - givenforcer
Spawn pheonix - givepheonix
Spawn Reaper - givereaper
Spawn Spectre - givespectre
Spawn squasar - givesquasar
Spawn Status Quo - givestatusquo
Spawn Taxi - givetaxi
Spawn Toad - givetoad
Spawn VTOL - givevtol
Spawn Ambulance - giveembulance
Spawn Anchor - giveanchor
Spawn Attrazione - giveattrazione
Spawn Bootlegger - givebootlegger
Spawn Challenger - givechallenger
Spawn Commander - givecommander
Spawn Condor - givecondor
Spawn Eagle - giveeagle
Spawn Estrada - giveestrada
Spawn Gatmobile - givegatmobile
Spawn Kanada - givekanada
Spawn Kenshin - givekenshin
Spawn Knoxville - giveknoxville
Spawn Korbra - givekobra
Spawn krukov - givekrukov
Spawn Miami - givemiami
Spawn Nforcer - givenforcer
Spawn Peacemaker - givepeacemaker
Spawn reaper - givereaper
Spawn Repaircar - repaircar
Spawn RPG - giverpg
Spawn Sandstorm - givesandstorm
Spawn satchel charge - givesatchel
Spawn Shark - giveshark
Spawn Sheperd - givesheperd
Spawn Spectre - givespectre
Spawn Status Quo - givestatusquo
Spawn Titan - givetitan
Spawn Toad - givetoad
Spawn tornado - givetornado
Spawn vortex - givevortex
Spawn VTOL - givevtol
Spawn Vulture - givevulture
Spawn Widowmaker - givewidowmaker
Spawn Woodpecker - givewoodpecker
Vehicles No Damage - vroom
Vehicles Smash - isquishyou
Weapons - letsrock
Zombies - brains

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points:

Shake and Bake (10) - Complete your first Challenge.
Stay Classy Steelport (10) - Kill 25 Gang Members each with 'the Penetrator' AND the Fart in a Jar.
The American Dream (10) - Customize 10 vehicles.
Hi-Jack It (10) - Steal and deliver all Vehicle Theft targets.
Pimped Out Pad (10) - Upgrade one Stronghold to its full glory.
Love/Hate Relationship (10) - Taunt AND/OR Compliment 50 gang members.
Ow My Balls! (10) - Do your first nutshot AND testicle assault.
Jumped In (10) - Create and share a character online.
Gender Equality (10) - Play for at least 2 hours as a male character AND 2 hours as a female character.
Getting the Goods (10) - Find 25% of all Collectibles.
Cowboy Up (10) - Fully upgrade one Weapon in each slot.
Everything is Permitted (10) - Kill all of the hitman Assassination targets.
Who Loves Ya Baby (10) - Kill 50 brutes.
Bo-Duke-En (10) - Hijack 50 vehicles - Dukes style.
Dead Presidents (10) - Complete 'When Good Heists...'.
Flash the Pan (10) - Destroy all Gang Operations in Steelport.
A Better Person (15) - Buy your first Upgrade from the Upgrade Store.
Haters Gonna Hate (15) - Kill 1,000 Gang Members.
The Welcome Wagon (15) - Complete 'I'm Free - Free Falling'.
Your Backseat Smells Funny (20) - Complete all instances of Escort.
Ouch. (20) - Complete all instances of Insurance Fraud.
Opulence, You Has It (20) - Complete 'Party Time'.
Tune In, Drop Off (20) - Complete all instances of Trafficking.
Porkchop Sandwiches (20) - Complete all instances of Trail Blazing.
We're Takin' Over (20) - Complete 'We've Only Just Begun'.
Tank You Very Much (20) - Complete all instances of Tank Mayhem.
Tower Defense (20) - Complete Act 1 in one way.
Life of the Party (20) - Find 100% of all Collectibles.
Gellin' Like Magellan (20) - Explore every hood in Steelport.
Fence Killa 2011 (20) - Complete all instances of Mayhem.
Double Dose of Pimping (20) - Complete all instances of Snatch.
And Boom Goes the Dynamite (20) - Complete all instances of Heli Assault.
Have A Reality Climax (20) - Complete all instances of Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax.
Go Into the Light (20) - Complete all instances of Guardian Angel.
Kuh, Boom. (20) - Complete Act 1 in another way.
You're the Best... (25) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Carver Island district.
I Heart Nyte Blayde (25) - Complete 'STAG Party'.
Mourning Stars (25) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the New Colvin district.
Once Bitten... Braaaaaaains (25) - Complete 'Zombie Attack'.
kill-deckers.exe (25) - Complete 'http://deckers.die'.
Hanging With Mr. Pierce (25) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Downtown district.
Murderbrawl 31 (25) - Complete 'Murderbrawl XXXI'.
Hack the Planet (25) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the Stanfield district.
Gotta Break Em In (25) - Complete 'The Ho Boat'.
You're My Hero! (30) - Complete ALL Challenges.
Mr. Fury Would Be Proud (30) - Complete Act 3 in one way.
Gangstas... In Space! (30) - Complete Act 3 in another way.
Titanic Effort (40) - Complete Act 2.
Third and 30 (40) - Spend over 30 hours in Steelport.
Bright Lights, Big City (80) - Complete all City Takeover gameplay in the entire city of Steelport.

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