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Unlock All Episodes
Press [Left]x2, [Right], [Left], [X] at the episode select screen.

Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore:

The Game's Half Empty (5) - Play episodes 1-37.
DisOrDat Participation Award (5) - Complete DisOrDat in 30 seconds.
It's Just More of This (5) - Finish an episode.
Quick-Draw McDumbass (5) - Choose wrong answer within the first 3 seconds 10 times.
The Game's Half Full (5) - Play episodes 1-36.
Birth Certificate (5) - Create a contestant.
Discover Gauntlet of Fire (10) - Find the very important gauntlet of fire.
Always a Bridesmaid (10) - Come in second place 5 times in multiplayer games.
Turncoat (10) - Play on July 4th instead of celebrating America.
100,000aire! (10) - Earn $100,000 lifetime.
My First Time (10) - Screw someone for the first time.
Smelt the Roses (15) - Get a multiple choice question right in the last 1 second.
Lose to a Loser (15) - Lose an Xbox LIVE match to someone with a rating at or below Dullard.
Social Outcast (15) - Finish 5 single-player games on Friday or Saturday nights.
Enscrewsiast (15) - Screw 50 times.
Button Banger (15) - Get a multiple choice question right in the first 2 seconds.
DisorDat Destroyer (15) - Answer all 7 DisOrDat items correctly.
Overconsumer (20) - Listen to all the commercials during the credits.
Virtual Virgin (20) - Answer correctly after being screwed 5 times.
Mouth-Breather (20) - Achieve the third-highest rating.
Menage-a-Quatre (20) - Complete a 4-player match on Xbox LIVE.
Great Crowd (20) - Laugh at an easy joke.
Consolation Achievement (20) - Play 5 hours without getting a single achievement.
500,000aire! (25) - Earn $500,000 lifetime.
Taking It from Behind (25) - Come from behind to win during the Jack Attack.
Genius for a Day (30) - Score at least $30,000 over your average.
DisOrDash (30) - Ace a DisOrDat in under 10 seconds.
Slack Attack (37) - Get -$1 million on a Jack Attack.
Living in the Past (40) - Get 10 history questions correct (excluding downloadable content).
Phatty (40) - Get 10 food questions correct (excluding downloadable content).
Beast Master (40) - Get 10 animal questions correct (excluding downloadable content).
Back Taxes (40) - Win all prizes in Episodes 1-73.
Film in Your Brain (40) - Get 10 movie questions correct (excluding downloadable content).
Beat a Winner (40) - Beat someone with a rating of Unicorn in an Xbox LIVE Match.
One Teat Short of an Udder (40) - Achieve the second-highest rating.
Vidiot Savant (50) - Get every question right in an episode.
The Regis (50) - Earn $1,000,000 lifetime points.
Unicorn (50) - Achieve the highest gamer rating.
Jack Attack Dog (50) - Get all 7 Jack Attack questions correct in a multiplayer game without messing up.
Perfect Attendance (73) - Play episodes 1-73.

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